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Clinicians Stretched and Need Help? Where’s the Helpful Technology?

9 November 2023

Software should help clinicians and their support staff to make decisions confidently and quickly. When technology delivers strong content, intelligent searchability and efficient workflows, it reduces and simplifies the tasks that clinicians, nurses and administrators need to complete each day.

Many large hospital systems require clinicians to make decisions as they enter data which takes sustained high-level concentration. Instead of simplifying tasks and workflows, technology adds to a clinicians’ workload and saps energy. This is tiring, and when demands and waiting lists increase, individual clinician and department-wide stress levels lift.

As waiting lists, administration and compliance tasks increase, does your technology help ease the load or become part of the problem?

The technology currently in use within large organisations and governments is widely understood to be

necessarily complex, with software upgrades and accompanying training creating interruptions that are usually never welcomed. Software that’s not user-focused can’t be entirely intuitive to use.

There are many differences between software that has been built primarily for organisation-wide use and user-focused clinical specialty software. These differences quickly become apparent to users, with positive benefits amplified further when health authorities introduce changes to procedures and compliance.

In use, improvements made to new generation clinical specialty software may only be noticed as an increase in the software’s intuitiveness. Because the software is clinical specialty focused, any large changes will make complete sense to clinical users and increase helpfulness, so are welcomed.

Even though new generation clinical specialty software is available, affordable, and easy to implement, it has been underleveraged in the healthcare sector. This beginning to change.

New generation Gynaecology Plus plugs into hospital systems and immediately works in concert with the EMR to deliver a raft of new user benefits. Due to these benefits and proven reliability, Gynaecology Plus is now being used by Australian and New Zealand hospitals.

Other outputs automatically satisfy the certification and CPD requirements of National and International

professional bodies such as RANZCOG, BSCCP etc. and send and receive screening related data to the NCSR.

Up to 30% of time can be safely liberated through the elimination of paper forms, duplication of tasks and many manual administrative processes. The accompanying step-up in workflow efficiencies means that more patients can be seen each clinic or list.

The use of Gynaecology Plus in your hospital or private practice is easily justified. No additional funds are required as Gynaecology Plus has been validated by users to pay for itself through significant cost and time savings.

We will support you through free implementation and training to get you going, and will integrate Gynaecology Plus with your hospital PAS and EMR systems and the National Screening Register.

Please arrange for an obligation-free demonstration. We can support your own business case with quantified hospital cost/benefit analysis.

Gynaecology Plus is the first clinical specialist Gynaecology software to integrate with the

Australian and New Zealand National Cancer Screening Registers.

A proud Sponsor of the ASCCP Scientific Meeting 2023, Queenstown, New Zealand.

Software should help clinicians and their support staff to make decisions confidently and quickly. When technology delivers strong content, intelligent searchability and efficient workflows, it reduces and simplifies the tasks that clinicians, nurses and administrators need to complete each day.

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